Hi, I’m Sylvia Wakana Gunde!
I’m a half-Japanese, half-American living between Los Angeles and Tokyo.
I’ve had the blessing of growing up bi-culturally which has allowed me to experience two very different ways of living. I want to use these experiences to facilitate community and understanding across cultures and the easiest way for me to this is thorough food!
By sharing recipes, some traditional and some more fusion, along with showcasing old traditions, current pop-culture, and the food scene in LA & Tokyo, I aim to broaden peoples’ perspectives in a time that so desperately needs it.
So come join me on this adventure!
You will find recipes here on this blog. I post lots of other food, cultural information, and about things I like (like my cats, tea, and friends) over on my Instagram. On my YouTube channel, I post videos about Japanese culture, food, tips, and travels. Leave me comments and messages – I absolutely love having conversations and creating connections with people. 🙂