
Wasabi Mashed Potatoes

Instant Pot Wasabi Mashed Potatoes / わさびマッシュポテト

Everyone’s favorite classic mashed potatoes with a kick! Warning: these wasabi mashed potatoes are highly addicting. I absolutely LOVE mashed potatoes. All kinds of mashed potatoes. But out of them all, Wasabi Mashed Potatoes is one of my favorites! It comforts both the American and Japanese parts of me. The […]

Sylvia Wakana - Hiyayakko

Hiyayakko (Chilled Tofu) / 冷奴

Hiyayakko is a perfect and quick cold side dish for a hot day! We’ve been in and out of heat waves in Los Angeles, so I’ve been craving foods that are refreshing or cold. In Japan, many dishes are considered seasonal and Hiyayakko, Japanese Chilled Tofu, is an extremely popular […]